Happy New Year! Out with the old, in with the new!
I am embracing this online persona called “Virtually an Author, Jon Mayo.” And to christen it, I updated my socials with the new banner and profile picture. I always loved the idea of having many incarnations of one’s self; it’s probably why I love Doctor Who and dabble in Buddhism. So on that banner, you see the many selves of Jon Mayo. From left to right is half of my mug, my Ready Player Me avatar, Meta Horizon, Altspace, and the nutty looking Rec Room avatar.
Confession–I hate using my real face as my profile picture. I am of the mind that our online presence is not representative of who we are in real life. It just irks me and it feels iffy. It could be the reason why I never update my Twitter, had abandoned my Instagram and barely post on my blog.
Now that I’m putting on this “mask,” I feel more comfortable. I do have an online presence, but not on Web 2.0. I have avatars in VR apps such as Immersed, Horizon and Altspace. I opted to use my Horizon avatar because it’s Pixar-ish and I like the aesthetic of it.
Wassup' |
Next year is an exciting year for VR. You got Apple joining in on the fight, and Sony will come out swinging with their PSVR2. Also, we'll be witnessing the birth of the metaverse.
Not only is 2022 an exciting year for VR, it’s also the year where I’ll try to breakout as a published author. I am polishing the 2nd draft of my 3rd book called “Gridverse,” and it will be done by January 2022.
After that, I’ll start my journey in finding an agent, get a book deal from it and hope for the best. If it happens, sweet! If it doesn’t, well, there are more books to write and many stories to weave. The best part is I get to craft my stories inside the metaverse.
Anyway, here’s to the New Year, to the New Look, and to New Beginnings!
Follow me @jonmayowriter