So the third novel is done, 1st draft at least, so hurray! Now it's all about having it simmer for three weeks.
While that's stewing, I'm writing some short stories and sprucing up some old ones. While writing this novel, I had neglected sending out short stories every week. I'm back at it again, and I hope I'll stay consistent in sending out and selling some shorts.
I'm still writing in VR, and I can't go back. I can't stare at my laptop's screen. I can't write in my environment anymore (and it's a distracting environment, too). When I write, I have to put on my headset and let the flow state get to me quick. I do find myself getting into the flow of things quicker in VR. I'll have to write up a blogpost on that one, let folks know about it, maybe get some veterans and pros looking into it. If word processors helped writers in days of yore, then VR could help a new generation of writers.
Did I mention that I'm also reading my eBooks in VR also? It's becoming a problem (or a boon) to my life. The best thing about reading eBooks in VR is reading lying down without your arms getting fatigued and so risk the book or eBook falling on your face. Progress. How awesome it is.
Follow me @jonmayowriter