Okay... it has been a while...
I've hit some creative snags along the way, and my foray in VR hasn't made things easy on the writing side of things. I wrote and finished a first draft for a novella. I gave it a month to simmer, and when I finally read it, I was dissatisfied. Although I was dissatisfied, it gave me insight on what was missing in my novel attempts.
What I was missing was Acts. On the novella, I only had one act, and the act didn't even finish properly. Now, I'm pre-writing a new novel with acts in mind.
In the same fashion on how I do my outlines, I set out to write out "Act Questions." It's similar to the Narrative Q&A, but the Act Questions aren't answered. This gives me some wiggle room on writing the outline. If this succeeds in me creating a full-blown novel, I'll write a blog/article on it. During the course of the months, my writing process has really evolved, so some of the entries I had made in the past seem obsolete. (That's another project I need to do: spring cleaning.)
I'm still writing, folks! It's just that my output has been greatly impeded by virtual realities.
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