Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Got my second short story featured on Anathema Magazine

I'm happy. Happy because I got a second short story published. The first time (which was on Wild Musette) I thought was luck, but with the second one, it feels like I'm doing something right (I hope).

It's good motivation to keep on doing this, but I think writing will never leave me. It is something that I have to do, so it won't stop.

Anyway, here's the link to my short story called "A House with a Home". The title was based on that song from Luther VanDross - A House is not a Home, which I didn't get to listen to until that episode in Glee with Kristin Chenowith.

You can also read up on other short stories in Anathema Magazine, which is awesome, by the way.

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Tuesday, August 13, 2019

August 2019 Update

Still writing, but this time I'm writing my first draft with pen and paper. I feel that I get distracted so easily on the sentence level that I can't help but revise and delete and fix and agonize at them to get it right. I know that first draft should be shitty, but my brain just can't let it be.

So, I'm tricking my brain into writing by hand. It's working so far. 25 minutes in, and I've written about 400 words (and a percentage of that is crap, but workable).

Oh, I know that revision will be a bitch, but at least I'll have a completed story. You can't fix something if it doesn't exist, so they say.

I'm ambivalent with posting copywork content now. I copy four pages to keep it small and digestible, but it is too short for me, personally. There are moments where I want to copy the whole scene, so it would be eight pages long. And I am also wary of possible copyright strike if I do so. At this moment, I am putting a hold on posting copywork content.

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